
Despite all good intentions the blog has, again, fallen a (considerable) bit behind. I even had some posts part ready to go and still failed to get something published! So i guess i can only start again with the good intentions and tell myself to get back on track...i think the 52 recipes might even still be recoverable with a bit of an effort!

Although there are things to go back on visit, i guess as good a place as any to start is following on from the last London trip with another London trip. This time, i got to experience two 'Royal' firsts...

Martha and Rufus Wainwright at the Royal Opera House and Dvořák and Smetana played at the Royal Albert Hall. Two very different performances but both very amazing. Even putting aside the vast and unbelievably fantastic musical talent (which is very difficult!), just seeing and being in such fantastic buildings for the first time was awe-inspiring. Bon.

Amongst other things, there were a couple of foodie highlights:

Paul - I only had a sandwich (saying 'only' really feels like i'm massively underselling them!) from this bakery but i can remember exclaiming that it was probably the best sandwich i'd ever had. And i can't wait to go back for more. The presentation was fantastic, the staff were wonderful and, from what i've experienced, the food is real, properly made and bloody tasty stuff. But i will definitely have to go back and sample a few more of their offerings before making any solid judgement...

Rococo - Very unfortunately, i didn't buy anything from these guys but did try a couple of bits in the shop and generally just perused and took in the general atmosphere. Definitely worth a look in and, again, i will have to try a few of their delights.

N.B. I really, really, really must sort out my blog template for browsing in Safari!

